Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Apakah kamu mau?


Tangismu adalah tangisku...
Membawamu untuk kembali tertawa adalah sebuah keharusan untukku....
Karena aku cinta kamu....

Air matamu adalah air mataku...
Menghapusnya dengan lembut dari wajahmu adalah sebuah keharusan untukku...
Karena aku mengasihimu...

Beban hidupmu adalah beban hidupku...
Membantumu memikulnya agar kau tak jatuh adalah sebuah keharusan juga untukku...
Karena aku sayang kamu...

Cinta, kasih dan sayang...
Tiga hal indah tersebut mungkin yang kau butuhkan sekarang...
Tiga hal indah yang sedang kamu cari-cari sekarang...
Dan kau tau? Aku memiliki ketiganya...
Aku ingin memberikannya padamu...

Apakah kamu mau?

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

kalimat mutiara #30

"It’s not about what u look like, ur job or how successful u are. Its about having people in ur life that u love & who loves u!"

kalimat mutiara #29

"If you love someone, love them. If you hate someone, hate them until it hurts"

kalimat mutiara #28

"Sometimes, just because you follow your heart, it doesn't mean there'll be a happy ending"

kalimat mutiara #27

"Do not love one, not two. But love the one who loves you TOO..Do not love three, not four. But love the one who loves you MORE..Do not love five, not six. But love the one who truly STICKS..Do not love seven, not eight. But love the one who is willing to WAIT..Do not love nine, not ten. But love the one who'll love you until the END"

kalimat mutiara #26

"Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?"

kalimat mutiara #25

"You know its love when you have been saying goodbye for the last half hour but you’re still not ready to leave"

kalimat mutiara #24

"A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings"

kalimat mutiara #23

"In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson"

kalimat mutiara #22

"Sometimes being alone gives you space to grow. Sometimes it’s hard to grow when you’re to close to someone"

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Bunga dan Kumbang? nggak lagi..

ce: Yay, kalau aku jadi bunga, kamu jadi apanya?

co: Hmmm ay, basi ah pake bunga ama kumbang2an...yang lain aja ya..
ce: Apa dong?
co: Ini aja.....Ay, kalau aku jadi Pak Habibie, kamu jadi apanya?
ce: Ihihihi..mmm...AKU JADI 'AINUN'-NYA !!! =^^=
co: so suuwiitt.... =^^=

inspired by kisah cinta sejati Pak habibie dan Almarhumah istrinya, Ainun....

kalimat mutiara #21

"Ditinggalkan orang yang disayang memang sangat sulit. Tapi meninggalkan orang yang disayang jauh-jauh-jauh lebih sulit..."

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

kalimat mutiara #20

"You’ll know how important someone in your life when he/she is taken away from you by someone who can take good care of it better than you do...."

kalimat mutiara #19

"Someday she will come. The one for you that makes you the only one for her. Just you...."

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

kalimat mutiara #18

"The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else."

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

kalimat mutiara #17

"life doesn't give the people you want, it gives you the people you need.. to love you, to hurt you, to be the person you were meant to be... "

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